Art Chowder May | June, Issue 21 | Page 15

All I could think of was, “I can’t outrun him, and no one at camp can hear me call out so I might as well talk to the bear.” I planted my feet, raised my arms — I didn’t spread my fingers because I didn’t want to look like a caribou — and said really loudly, “I’m really big. I’m a human. You’re not interested in me.” I kept repeating that over and over again. Well, he moved across the channel and downwind until he was on the same side of the water as I was, but I thought, “Well now he’s on my side, but he’s downwind so this is getting better. Okay good.” And I kept repeating - “I’m really big. I’m a human. You aren’t interested in me.” Well then he started walking toward me. “Okay,” I thought, “I don’t have a whistle on me or any bear spray.” Well, unbeknownst to me one of the other artists on the trip was on the other side of the spit and could hear me. He didn’t understand why I didn’t shut up. Normally when you’re going into the brush you make warning sounds but he said, “You just kept talking, and you were so calm I figured there was nothing wrong.” He also commented that the bear probably didn’t understand English and I could have said, “Hey everybody, I have a grizzly bear here.” When he did realize something was up he grabbed his gun, roused the rest of the camp and they went out to where I’d been. They were amazed when they saw my prints and the bear’s prints and how far away they were from each other. Honestly, it was all about staying calm. You never know He got within 20 feet and stood up on his hind legs. I’m still how you’ll feel in a situation like that. Are you going to repeating my phrases, but now I’m thinking, “But I’m really freak and run or are you going to think about what you little and he’s really big!” *lol* But I kept repeating myself know about nature and stay calm? All I could think to do and eventually he got down on all fours, turned around and was look as big as possible, talk to the bear, and hope he walked away. “This is good,” I thought when he disappeared couldn’t scent fear or at least wouldn’t react to it. Thanks to into the willows, “but I can’t run back to camp. If he’s the training I’d gotten from a polar bear expert, what I did watching and sees me run, he’ll want to chase.” So I slowly probably saved me. turned and walked back to camp. May | June 2019 15