Art Chowder March | April 2018, Issue 14 | Page 15

Art Chowder: Do you ever get nervous "Guardians" 30 x 40” - oil on canvas before a jury or a show? Victoria: Of course. There is always self-doubt. Before a show I’ll wonder, what have I done? What should I bring to the show? What if it’s bad and I don’t see it because I’m too close to the work? It’s always about what I wanted to say and what I managed to say in my painting—the feel of a place in a cityscape, the story in a figurative painting, or in a still life. I always try to leave the narrative part open to interpretation, so different people might look at it and tell me different stories. Often they come up with better stories than I possibly could! But I really want the visual story to work the way I intended—to show that first impulse that made me want to paint it. It can be very difficult to keep that first spark of inspiration in there, so people can see it. Art Chowder: What’s been the most difficult thing about painting? Victoria: I think, Robert Hughes once said (not the exact quote, but close): “Painting is difficult. Making a beautiful painting is very difficult.” I wholeheartedly agree. Art Chowder: Any advice for artists new to the U.S.? Victoria: Just keep painting? Some professions don’t transplant well; they might be tied to local languages, regulations, and certifications. The good thing about visual art is—it’s universal. What you see is what you get, no translation needed.    Art Chowder: If you had to describe yourself in five words (or less) what would you say? Victoria: I have no idea—lucky? Art Chowder: How about educated? Victoria: It’s never enough. There’s never enough education. Perhaps, constantly stressed, but no matter how stressed though, I know it will turn out okay. What is the word for that? Hopeful. Art Chowder: How about brave? Victoria: Every artist is brave. You take your soul and put it out there for everyone to see.   Art Chowder: Thank you for sharing your talent with us, Victoria. If you would like to see more of Victoria’s work, you can find it on her website: or visit The Art Spirit Gallery in Coeur D’Alene, ID, Dodson’s Jewelers in Spokane, WA, or Art at Work at the MAC, Spokane, WA. March | April 2018 15