Around the Table February Newsletter 2018 | Page 3

You’re a Lifeline to Deserving Neighbors Like Bobby “I never thought I’d ever use a social service,” Bobby says. “I would do anything to have a job.” Bobby had to stop working a few years ago when he began to lose his sight. He has a rare form of glaucoma and only limited peripheral vision. It’s extremely frustrating for him — Bobby started his first job at just 13 and built a successful career. He worked in broadcasting for several years and was the first African American television news producer here in DFW. Bobby later started his own business and eventually became a teacher, coach and mentor with DISD. In addition to a rich work life, Bobby raised three young children on his own after the tragic loss of his wife. Now, he’s raising his two grandsons, too. “I’m grateful from the depths of my soul.” Bobby unpacks a box filled with nutritious food at his home in Dallas. Our community wouldn’t be what it is today without the contributions of senior neighbors like Bobby. That’s why it’s unthinkable that he’s struggling in his retirement. real challenge on a fixed income. In the three years between when Bobby ended his career and his Social Security kicked in, he used up his savings and eventually lost his home. When we talked with Bobby at his home in Dallas, he told us providing for his grandsons is a It was around that time that a couple of Bobby’s friends told him about the Food Bank’s Nourishing Neighbors program, which delivers boxes full of fresh groceries right to his doorstep. Your generosity has made a real difference for Bobby. He was excited to thank you directly. “I’m grateful from the depths of my soul,” Bobby says. Around the Table 3