Around Ealing Summer 2017 | Page 7

UP FRONT MOST READ ONLINE* GET FIT, DO GOOD How a group is putting fi tness sessions and good public deeds together BONFIRES: HOT TOPIC House ‘shells’ cut costs A clever ‘retro-fi t’ project built a new layer of insulation on the outside of 20 council-owned maisonettes in Ealing. It means residents can now look forward to a warmer and less expensive future. They are each expected to save an average of £175-£200 on their annual fuel bill and their homes will retain heat far better. The properties, built in the 1930s, have a traditional solid brick construction. This makes them vulnerable to damp and condensation problems and diffi cult to insulate using conventional methods. The innovative external wall insulation involves building a facade on the exterior of the property to create an insulating ‘shell’, and creating a cavity to increase ventilation and reduce condensation. The work has the added benefi t of improving sound proofi ng. In addition, high-performance extractor fans have been fi tted in the bathroom and kitchen of each of the properties and special drains have been constructed around the edge of each housing block. Councillor Jasbir Anand, cabinet member for housing, said: “Fuel poverty is a big issue for many people and we are committed to reducing this where we can through improving our housing stock and helping residents access schemes to help them make their homes more energy effi cient.” Visit ciency The etiquette and rules around garden bonfi res Janne Karaste (via Wikicommons) HANWELL HOOTIE The lowdown on the local music festival held in May ‘I LOVE MY JOB’ Council apprentice Jessica’s tale, and how you could follow in her footsteps TOUR OF HOUSING A video tour of a new modular housing scheme Sign up online to receive free updates by email *During April 2017 Dazzling dozen (+two) Hanwell Zoo had an unusual delivery this spring, with the arrival of 12 fl amboyant fl amingos. The fl ock was provided by Chester Zoo and it has taken up residence in the Caribbean area of Hanwell Zoo, in Brent Lodge Park (known as ‘the bunny park’). Meanwhile, a pair of capybaras, the largest rodents on the planet, have also moved in. Read more at around ealing June 2017 7