ARMY Magazine - Special Issues ARMY Magazine Taehyung Special Edition | Page 72

Dear Taetae! For your birthday I wish u all the luck in the world and every day a wish to come true! There’s just one thing I want to say: Stay true to yourself and find your happiness in life! Do what feels best for u, I’ll cheer you on! It’s a promise! Simone, 46, Germany. Hi Taehyung! I wish you the happiest birthday and I hope that you are as happy as you wish A.R.M.Y.s would be. I don’t like talking so much so I just want to say thank you. Thank you for always make me smile. Thank you for always be here for me even the hardest times. Thank you for making I hope that Taehyung can music. And thank you for live his life how he wants not giving up even in the to and that he is able to be hardest times. And please happy and fullfil his dreams. always be positive. It is hard to be an idol so Bad things will always I wish him the strengh to happen and I know that overcome hard times and with your members and that he always remembers with your lovely and that we and his members passionate A.R.M.Y. love him! you can always overcome Lena, 18, Germany. them. We love the way you are. So just thank you so Happy birthday Tae! much for being you. I want to thank you for Every A.R.M.Y. loves you being yourself. I am a and a I hope that you very different type of know it. We purple you. person, too. A lot of people Köszönöm és szeretlek. think I’m weird. But when (thank you and i love you in I see the members and hungarian). With the ARMY loving you, it helps greatest love. me think maybe I can be Fanni Hornyák, 16, Hungary. accepted as well. I purple you! Halen Bridges, 14, United States. 69 Tiger! I hope I can see your boxy smile everyday because your smile has given so many people strength and happiness. I wish you have a wonderful journey ahead with BTS and ARMY, we’re so thankful to have a talented, kind-hearted and hard-working Kim Taehyung among us! And I hope you know that we love you so much and will continue to support you until the end. I love you, Tiger! Aisha, 24, Indonesia. Dear TaeTae, it’s your birthday whoo !! I wish you the happiest most beautiful birthday, I hope you get to enjoy yourself and spend a great time with the people you love! I just wanna tell you I love and appreciate you so much, you’re beautiful inside and out! I hope you continue to wear that beautiful smile of yours and make the world a brighter place. I love you!! Happy birthday angel! Bea, 20, Germany.