armp Anuntul 2 | Page 12

al XII-lea Congres național de medicină perinatală
Cesarean Section Dilemma Maternal hemodynamics in obstetrics Metabolic disease and pregnancy : prenatal and postnatal impact Normal and abnormal early pregnancy IUGR : Diagnosis , role of Doppler / MRI , decision making and postnatal outcome Preeclampsia Preterm Birth Brain Imaging and Postnatal Outcome in Preterm Infants Prenatal diagnosis . First trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities The role of modern imaging techniques in prenatal diagnosis Screening for Congenital Heart Defects Facial defects and correlation to syndromes KANET studies and assessment of functional neurological status of fetus Fetal Medicine : possibilities and limits .
Medicina perinatală în secolul XXI
Pathological examination of the fetus and placenta Counseling in perinatal medicine The role of ultrasound in medical assisted reproduction - ART Understanding implantation Neonatal therapy Neonatal Nutrition Miscellaneous