Arlington School & Family Magazine August/September 2015 | Page 47

#AISD Invest in Your Health, Protect Your Future At ViaScan, our exams are designed to detect heart disease, lung cancer, colon cancer and other life threatening diseases at an earlier, more treatable stage. Our scan can see stages of heart disease and cancer in their infancy stages allowing you to get a head start and reverse the clock from a potential illness. Our mission is to provide you with the most advanced technology, support and education to empower you to improve \RXU KHDOWK 9LD6FDQ LV RQH RI WKH ÀUVW FHQWHUV LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV WR RIIHU SUHYHQWLYH scanning and screening services and includes a comprehensive evaluation such as: Exam with scanner Medical history Blood pressure Body weight Body composition (percent body fat / metabolism) Comprehensive weight plan and wellness program Immediate consultation with review of your images 2IÀFLDOUHSRUWIURPERDUGFHUWLÀHGUDGLRORJLVW No hidden fees John Duncan, Ph.D, a pioneer in preventive cardiology for the past 20 years, has made prevention of disease his life’s pursuit and he passionately strives to help patients better understand their health and how they can live longer, healthier lives. He worked for the Cooper Institute for 15 ye