Arlington Housing Authority annual FY 2014 | Page 8

HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS In FY 2014, the Arlington Housing Authority (AHA) provided transitional and permanent housing to an average of 95 participants each month, utilizing $973,500 in federal funding from the U.S. Department of HUD related to the Shelter Plus Care, the Supportive Housing Program, and the Tenant Based Rental Assistance grants. The AHA exhausted its homelessness and eviction prevention funding of $289,500 within a quick 4 month period, assisting 131 tenants. Each year the AHA conducts an organized Homeless Count by coordinating and training volunteers in the Arlington area. This year, approximately 40 citizens and police officers volunteered to assist in locating the homeless in Arlington and completed survey questionnaires Julie Hall, Housing Coordinator, manages the Homeless Assistance and Homeowner Assistance Programs (Not pictured - Steve Brown, Human Services Specialist) HOMEBUYER ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Arlington Housing Authority (AHA) programs assist qualified residents to purchase a home in Arlington. The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) homeownership program assists participants to realize their goal of becoming a first time homeowner. In FY 2014, 3 HCV participates became homeowners. The AHA collaborates with Tarrant County Housing Partnership Inc. directing qualified residents to housing counseling and first-time homebuyers assistance through the Arlington Homebuyers’ Assistance Program (AHAP). The homebuyer receives required pre-purchase homebuyer education and housing counseling before they purchase a home. The program provides up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance. This year, the program assisted 26 homebuyers. Another resource offered to homebuyers is the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. This IRS resource assists firsttime homebuyers by providing up to a $2,000 credit on their income tax returns annually throughout the life of the mortgage. This year the program, issued by the Arlington Housing Finance Corporation, assisted 25 residents to become Arlington homeowners. 7