Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 74

Access management assesses and attempts to minimize the number and location of driveways or curb cuts on a roadway. Limiting the number of driveways on a roadway reduces congestion, improves traffic flow, increases safety, and enhances the general aesthetic of a corridor. Finally, minimizing the use of oneway streets and cul-de-sacs and incorporating traditional street characteristics, such as parallel streets, shorter blocks, and direct access to properties from non-arterial streets, allows residents to quickly and easily move from one area to another. Traffic management also has a role in State and Interstate Highways, since Arlington’s central location in North Texas makes it a hub for freight transportation activity and high volumes of truck traffic goes through the city daily. I-20 is designated as one of only a few hazardous materials truck routes in the region, which makes it a key component of the region’s freight routing system. 68