Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 63

The use of school property for public recreation purposes is also important. Joint use agreements facilitate a partnership between school districts, the city, or nonprofit organizations. They expand the use of playgrounds, athletic fields, pools, and gymnasiums to the community outside of school hours. These types of agreements make it easier for families to find convenient and familiar places to exercise and play. They also make fiscal sense by sharing use of built assets of multiple organizations. Community services are essential for neighborhoods. Providing high quality public services is the foundation for maintaining a vibrant and secure community, and is fundamental to achieving the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Arlington’s program of continual reinvestment in infrastructure through water and sanity sewer renewals and its focus on the cost-effective delivery of public services strengthens neighborhoods and provides tangible benefits for residents. Education All children need intellectual development, motivation, and skills to prepare them for lifelong learning and successful employment. Primary and secondary education is vital to building a student’s foundation for further education. In today’s competitive and knowledge-based economy, a quality education is more important than ever before. A broad base of quality learning environments touches all parts of the community, helping maintain a competitive workforce and enhancing Arlington’s quality of life. 57