Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 31

4. Continue to support investment in the city’s education system. 2. Rejuvenate and transform key economic centers into vibrant destinations. 5. Deliver city services in a fiscally responsible manner. 3. Create amenities and assets that will secure Arlington’s position as a major activity hub in North Texas. 6. Provide a mix of quality housing for a diverse population. 7. Preserve the city’s historic resources and community landmarks of recognized significance. Goal: Protect Our Resources 1. Preserve natural areas and public open spaces. Goal: Get Around 1. Maintain a roadway system that provides efficient access to all parts of the city. 2. Conserve natural resources and energy. Goal: Develop Our Land 1. Promote land use patterns that reflect a mix of integrated community uses. 2. Provide a variety of transportation options. Goal: Grow Our Businesses 2. Encourage appropriate redevelopment and reinvestment that creates lasting value. 1. Elevate Arlington’s comp