Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 139

Strategies and Actions 1 Promote land use patterns that reflect a mix of integrated community uses. 1.5. Require that new developments (and redevelopments) provide pedestrian and vehicular connectivity between individual development sites to provide alternative means of access along corridors. 1.1. Encourage the development of multiple types of single family housing, such as quality, well designed detached dwellings, townhomes, condominiums, and zero lot line homes. 1.6. Establish an economic development tool to take advantage of redevelopment opportunities. 1.2. Evaluate development proposals in context with existing infrastructure, connectivity, and surrounding uses. 1.7. Complete a detailed land use and transportation planning analysis for US 287. 1.3. Continually evaluate the effect of industrial uses on neighboring non-industrial land uses. 1.8. Continually evaluate zoning and development-related ordinances. 1.9. Finalize the Design Criteria Manual update, which includes stormwater guidelines to protect future generations. 1.4. Ensure a balanced relationship between land use development and the transportation system by requiring that developments be appropriate for the proposed location. 1.10. Maintain F