Arizona in the Saddle | Page 46

tex austin daddy of rodeo By Jim Olson, ©2015, C irca the 1920s, Rodeo began to make a transition from “Wild West Show” to being more of a “Rodeo” like we think of in today’s terms. One man who took a large part in that transition was a big-time promoter called Tex Austin. Much of Tex Austin’s early life is a mystery. There is an abundance of conflicting stories. Many sources claim he was born in 1886 while others say the year was 1887. Some say his given name was Clarence Van Nostrand, others John Van Nostrand, yet others say John Van Austin was his birth name. Some say he was born in St. Louis, Missouri while others claim it was Victoria, Texas. Tex claimed to have be born and reared on a cow ranch in Texas, but there are reports that he did not move West until he was about twenty (circa 1907). At that time he worked for various ranches in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico over a period of a few years. Tex then claims he went down to Old Mexico where he worked as a cowboy for Don Luis Terrazzo (reportedly the largest rancher in the world at the time). Tex also said he rode with Pancho Villa \