Arizona in the Saddle | Page 47

Recipes and photos courtesy of A Bountiful Kitchen, Wreck pan: The pan in which cowboys placed their dirty dishes following a meal. Ingredients • 8-10 thick white rolls, split in half and buttered on the inside (any type works, Costco rolls, homemade, etc.) • 1 ½ lb Italian or spicy sausage • ½ onion, chopped • 1 clove garlic, crushed or chopped • 2-3 cups grated cheese, cheddar, Monterey Jack, Pepper Jack or a combo • 10 large eggs • 2 cups whole milk • 1 teaspoon dry mustard • 1 teaspoon salt • Ground pepper Squirrel can: The large can in which cowboys scraped the food scraps before placing them in the wreck pan. Cook’s last job of the evening: Point the tongue of the chuckwagon toward the north so the herd could “follow the tongue” the next day. Gut robber, greasy belly, biscuit shooter: Cowboys names for both the ranch house and trail drive cook. Coffee recipe: A hand full of coffee for every cup of water. Possum belly: A rawhide apron attached to the underside of the chuckwagon in which wood and buffalo chips are stored for the dinner fire. Preparation Instructions • The night before serving, grease a 9x13 pan. • Lay the split and buttered rolls in the prepared pan, buttered side up. • Brown the sausage and pour the cooked meat into a dish lined with paper towels.  Let the grease drain from the sausage. Using the pan the meat was cooked in, place the pa