Arizona in the Saddle July 2014 | Page 23

replace salt lost during sweating. Stop exercising your horse in very hot weather, and avoid using blankets or other coverings. Turn out during the cooler parts of the day and keep him stabled in a shaded, well-ventilated area during the day. Signs of Overheating: • Profuse sweating • Muscle tremors • Rectal temperature exceeding 103°F • Increased heart and respiration rates • Droopy ears • Signs of fatigue • Dehydration with a prolonged skin tent of several seconds when the skin of the neck is pinched Cooling the Overheated Horse: Using water to cool a horse with a rectal temp 103 or less: When applying water to cool a horse pay special attention to the head, jugular area of the neck and the insides of the hind legs. Apply cool water and then immediately use a sweat scraper to remove the water. Continue this process until the horse cools. This method transfers the heat from the muscles and skin into the water. Removing the water from the skin also removes the heat. It is necessary to scrape the warmed water from the skin immediately or it may serve as an insulating layer and actually cause the horse’s body temperature to increase. Heat Stroke: An overheated horse can escalate to heatstroke without prompt treatment. A horse with heat stroke requires immediate veterinary attention. Heatstroke in horses can lead to death within hours. • Heat stroke is a severe and dangerous form of overheating in which the rectal temperature exceeds 106 degrees. • If the temperature climbs to 107 degrees, neurological damage and death become likely. • Do not ride your horse if the sum of the ambient temperature and the %humidity exceeds 150. Signs of Heat Stroke: • Rapid heart rate (>60bpm) that do not drop within 20 minutes of stopping exercise • Rapid respiratory rates (>40) that do not drop within 20 minutes of stopping exercise • Vocalization with whinnying • Signs of distress • Marked dehydration with dry mucous membranes, dry skin, and a prolonged skin tent of greater than 4 seconds • Obvious weakness, refusal to work • Cessation of sweating • Incoordination, convulsions, delirium Using Water and Ice to Cool a Horse with a Rectal Temp of 105 or Greater: If the rectal temp exceeds 105 it may be necessary to add ice to speed the rate of cooling. Research has shown that this is a safe procedure. If your horse has a history of tying up, do not apply ice water to the large hip muscles, instead apply the cold water to areas where the blood vessels are close to the skin (i.e. head, neck and inside of back legs).  Do not apply a sheet or blanket as it will block evaporation. 13 More Tips for Avoiding Heat Related Problems Another extreme summer is upon us! Help your horse survive the relentless summer heat by doing a few simple things. To avoid some of the more common problems in horses associate with summer in Southern Arizona pay special attention to the following: 1 Studies have shown that horses will drink more water when the water is cool (<70degrees). Having several water troughs placed in the corral or stall so that one is always in the shade during the day will encourage water drinking and prevent dehydration. 2 Fresh clean water is a must, prevent small animals from drowning and fouling the water by placing a wood block in the trough that they can climb onto.  Frequent tank cleanings and contamination removal will help encourage water drinking.  Do not use chemicals when cleaning the troughs. 3 Never allow your horse to pass up a chance to drink, only horses that have been denied water for many hours or days should have water restricted to small amounts over time. Allow your horse to drink on the trail or after a ride. 4 Some horses will not drink without eating first, so provide a small amount of hay and your horse may more readily drink water. 5 Horses may more readily rehydrate if allowed access to water when they are still hot rather than waiting and providing water after they are cooled out. 6 A good rule of thumb is to allow 10 swallows of water and then remove the water, wait 5 minutes and repeat the process un ѥ