A This sounds like a fresh relationship. Keep in mind that others will have different opinions and views on life than your own. It should only effect you if it creates a negative environment. My recommendation is if it effects you that much, bring it up in a casual conversation but remember not to create an argument. Open discussion is key in a successful relationship and once you get in far enough, if you decide to tell him then it shouldn’t’ be an issue and may be something to laugh about. Q My guy is a really great guy, I love him to death, but he tries too hard to impress me. Is there way to tell him that he doesn’t have to try so hard or at least at all? A If you guys are in love them just be honest with him and tell him how it is. He will understand if he really does care for you that much. It wouldn’t be the worst thing to hear that the only complaint your boyfriend has is that you try too hard. Q What’s the best way to figure out if a guy is willing to take your casual relationship to a more exclusive level? 8 6 M A Y 2 014 / ARIES A The best way to figure it out is take into consideration how the other person acts. Is he making an effort to start a conversation with you? See if he is spending a lot of time with you and not really paying attention to others. If he puts aside his needs to meet yours and he displays an emotional connection to you, then you can just ask him. If he is on the same page, then you’ll be glad you brought it up. If not, then at least you’ll know you tried and that is won’t become anything more than just casual.