ARIES MAGAZINE 2014 MAY | Page 101

HEALTH SLIM DOWN You’ve probably heard that eating while you’re distracted makes you eat more, but it gets worse: People who have lunch in front of their computers hoover twice the calories in snacks later that afternoon, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found. Patrick schwarzenegger knows how to spend his lunch GET MORE DONE Share this tidbit with your boss: Those who dig themselves out of mire of office politics long enough to take a break for lunch come back energized and better able to concentrate con their work, according to the Portland State University study. FEEL LESS FRAZZLED Walking outdoors for just five minutes is enough to improve your self-esteem and mood for the rest of the day, a study in the journal Environmental Science and Technology revealed. It may feel like a luxury you don’t have time for when you’re ZOMG stressed, but take a quick break. It will make you a better, happier worker. LEAVE YOUR CUBE FOR LUNCH It’s another sunny day outside, so why are you inside making keyboard crumbs? Sixty percent of Americans spend most days dining @ AL DESKO. Head to a park bench or stroll to a food truck instead, and score these body benefits. ARIES / M A Y 2 014 101