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‫مقابلة فيديو‬ ENGLISH TRANSLATION (EXTRACTS) Interview - Abdelwahed Mokni, professor of contemporary history and Deputy Dean of the university of Sfax (Tunisia) ّ ‫أربعة أســئلة لنور الدين‬ ‫حشاد‬ ‫مؤرخ و نائب األمين العام لجامعة الدول العربّية سابقا‬ How do you define al-uruba (arabness)? What is the difference with Arab nationalism? It is not easy to define al-uruba. It seems obvious that it refers to all that belongs to al-arabiya (beeing Arab): language, civilisation and history…We say beeing Arab and being Arabs. There is a difference between arabness and arab nationalism. Arabness is an emotion, an existantial feeling (...) What are the origins of the Pan-arab ideology? What are its primary influences? what are the different Pan-arab currents? The roots of Arab nationalism are very old; they are linked to era of enlightment initiated bu Arabs, Les racines du nationalisme arabe sont très anciennes, elles sont liées à une ère de lumières que les arabes avaient initiés, especially with the emergence of Islam, which constituted the deepest roots or (...) Does the Pan-Arab ideology continue to exist in 2015? Is it different from what it was, initially? The Arab nationalism, as an ideology today, experience a decline and recession for many reasons. The first reason is the fall, one after the other, of the political regimes, bearer of the Arab bationalist ideology (...) ‫ ماهــي «العروبــة»؟ هــل هــي هو ّيــة‬:1 ‫الســؤال‬ ‫ثقاف ّيــة أو سياســية؟‬ ‫ هــل يوجــد العالــم العربــي ككيــان‬:2 ‫الســؤال‬ ‫سياســي؟‬ Vidéo Vidéo Is there a link between arabness and Islam? There is a link between arabness and Islam. There are strong relationships given that the majority of the Arabs are muslim. But all of the muslims are not Arabs (...) Is the Arab nationalism percieved in the same way throughout the Arab world? The Arab nationalism is not percieved everywhere in the same way. In the Maghreb, the nationalist school of thought emerged at a later stage (...) Shall we talk about an Arab world as a political entity? Is there an Arab world or only an Arab-speaking world? There is no «Arab world», it is perhaps a dream or a romantic horizon. What is linking the Arabs of Huran, those from Sudan or Arabs of North Africa? Nothing but the language and the ancient history of the Arabic Islam. When it comes to personnality, culture, way of life, mental and behavioural structure (...) Do you think we could see in the future a rebirth or a new vision of Panarabism? The Arab rebirth (en-nahdha al-arabiya), again, is not for tomorrow. Wars, poverty, under-devlopment and the decrease of oil flow or its bad management contribute to block the Arab resurrection in the 21st century. But the most important competitor, preventing the progress of such resurrection, is political islam, whether it relates to the Muslim brotherhood or the salafists takfirist, who use the «tank» of arabness (...) 30 ‫ مالفائــدة من جامعة الــدول العرب ّية؟‬:3 ‫الســؤال‬ ‫ هــل مــن الممكــن ان نشــهد يومــا‬:4 ‫الســؤال‬ ‫مــا وجــود فضــاء سياســي عربــي متكامــل علــى‬ ‫شــاكلة اإل ّتحــاد االوروبــي أو الواليــات الم ّتحــدة‬ ‫األمريكيــة؟‬ Vidéo 31 Vidéo