Architect and Builder Feb/Mar 2018 | Page 31

feature of the building’s exterior form. As a result the floorplate was extended to fill the camisole space, thereby making what was previously a void in the ventilated façade now useable floor area. To solve the issue of the façade treatment a full scale mock up about 7m high and 5m long was built and various shortlisted glass types were installed that met both aesthetic and sustainable criteria. The architects tried to create the contrast between the camisole and the rest of the façade with different colours of glass, but the visual punch required was not being obtained. This was eventually solved by introducing the 200mm deep white aluminium fins onto each mullion on the camisole. This allowed the creation of the visual contrast without compromising the internal views. It also gave the building a uniquely dynamic character as it changes depending on the angle you approach it from as well as the time of day. Another challenge was the large atrium roofs. The architects wanted these to provide as much light as possible which meant the engineering of a bespoke support solution that was visually unobstructive, but structurally stable. They challenged themselves further by making the glazed roofs an inverted ‘Pringle chip’ shape that echoed the swoop of the façade camisole. The solution from the façade engineers is an elegant tension truss lattice that supports both the weight of the glazing as well as resisting the up forces created by the movement of air over the top of the glazed panels. 1 Discovery Place The architects were challen