Architect and Builder Dec 2017 / Jan 2018 | Page 10

WBHO CONSTRUCTION AWARDED ISO9001:2015 CERTIFICATION Delivering quality, on time and within budget is the primary objective of WBHO Construction. “To continually deliver quality projects to our clients that will last a lifetime was the single biggest reason why we decided to implement a formal Quality Management System (QMS) certified to the ISO9001:2000 requirements (back in 2003),” says Arno Boshoff, Director of Quality at WBHO. “This standard was updated in 2008 with more focus on the ‘process approach’ (Plan-Do-Check-Act). Our QMS was aligned to the new revision and business continued as usual. However in 2015, the new ISO9001:2015 standard was published with significant changes to the high level structure that include more focus on; the context of the organisation, leadership, interested parties and risk based thinking. Construction is dynamic with each project unique. Client, design, location, delivery, methods & risks change all the time and therefore our QMS should follow suit. It is less challenging to apply to a manufacturing company that delivers a few products (that never change), within a factory environment in a permanent location. We consider the context, leadership, interested parties, risk, client requirements and all other ISO9001 requirements on each individual project. The new requirement on ‘Leadership’ was easy to meet due to the hands-on management approach we always had. Involvement by all levels of management in the QMS is visible throughout the group and is supported by top management. If you are in construction, you will know that all we do on a daily basis is managing risk. The new requirement for risk based thinking is met by formalising what we have always done, using ISO31000 as a guideline. Risk management processes to identify and mitigate operational risks, rolling up to divisional and strategic risks are implemented on each project. Management of external providers within the QMS context are challenging due to the vast number of suppliers and subcontractors we work with daily. The responsibility to ensure that all products comply with the applicable national standards (SANS specifications) lies with us. A clear and structured vendor review and audit process proved to be beneficial to us as well as to our suppliers and subcontractors. Realigning our QMS, not just to meet the requirements of this new ISO 9001:2015, but also to entrench new quality process within normal day-to day business processes took us close to a year to achieve. A dedicated team of construction quality personnel made this easier. We believe that a QMS built around what we normally do and aligned with our culture and strategic objectives, has and will always reduce rework, enhance quality, increase profitability and secure repeat business form our valued clients, says Boshoff.” FIRST LIGHT STEEL FRAME RESIDENCE IN KNYSNA REBUILD After the devastating Knysna fires in June 2017, SASFA (Southern African Light Steel Frame Building Association) presented a seminar in Knysna on light steel frame build- ing and there has been great interest in the building method. The first house built in this manner is nearing completion. “There is no doubt that there are many advantages to LSFB,” says the project’s architectural draftsman Nelis Genade. “Firstly, it is a cost-effective building method, with financial savings coming mainly from significant time savings to complete the building project, less rework, reduced logistical costs – which are of growing importance due to the escalation of fuel prices and general construction inflation - and a drastic reduction of rubble on building sites, when compared with the brick-and- mortar alternative. He adds that the finishes 10 in LSFB structures are typically better than in conventional houses and that the thermal insulation is excellent. This ensures a really energy efficient building making it easier to keep cool in summer and warm in winter,” he says. Minimum insulation require- ments of LSF houses are specified in SANS 517 for each of the six different climate zones in South Africa. Knysna falls in the ‘Temp- erate Coastal’ zone and external walls must have a minimum total R-value (the measure of thermal insulation) of 2.2. By using Isover’s Cavity Bat (102mm thickness) glass wool insulation, the walls have a better insulation with a R-value of 3.23 – almost 50% higher than the minimum requirement, and five times higher than the insulation offered by a double leaf brick wall. Double-glazed PVC windows have been used for their excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties. Charl van Zyl, who represents Rancor Meyer Bros the contractor building the house, explains that the project comprised the demolition of the remains of the burnt-out house, the digging of the foundations, the laying of the slab and then the erection of the new 200m² double- storey LSFB house. Work began on the 19th September 2017 and was to be completed by the 10th December 2017. “That is 82 days or 12 weeks, which is remarkable for a house of this size and detail,” says van Zyl. Project Materials The external cladding - which consists of OSB board fixed to the light steel frame covered by the vapour permeable membrane (Tyvek) and cladding on the outside with fibre cement planks fixed in shiplap fashion – was supplied by Marley Building Systems. For more information please contact SASFA on 011 726 6111 or visit News Watch