AQHA Magazine November/December 2018 Nov_Dec_2018_DIGITAL Website_ | Page 12

Southside Western Performance Club On 21st October Southside Western Performance Club in South east Queens- land held their first show for the new sea- son and their last show of the year. Taking a bit of a gamble on expected numbers the club engaged two judges to officiate, and were very lucky to obtain the services of Mr Kim Thake and Mr Bob Sim. The Queensland weather had been atrocious leading up to the weekend, but with all the committee crossing fingers and saying prayers the day started out fine and warm. There was a good turn up of Halter horses with competitors in Appaloosa, Paint and Quarter Horse classes. Judge Mr Sim chose Im O So Genetically Sleek, owned by Cathy Blair, as Champi- on Quarter Horse mare, while Mr Thake preferred YB Ima Good Fantasy, owned by Rebecca Mauch. The Champion Gelding was a unanimous decision with Lee Sims stunning young gelding, Sworn to Secrecy, taking out the award. This same horse went on to be Su- preme Halter Exhibit of the Show. Amateur and Youth classes were well supported. A special mention to Leanne Bartlett who through tireless effort managed to collect an astonishing amount of sponsorship both prizes and money. I doubt that any- one went home without something. A big thank you to all those sponsors. Unfortu- nately the list is too long to fit here but you are greatly appreciated. During the lunch break AQHA Director of Show and Performance, Mr Paul Lorimer, kindly presented the High Point End of Year awards to the lucky winners. Overall High Point All Round Horse was a tie by Im O So Genetically Sleek trained and presented by Leanne Bartlett and Tri- andibo Inhecagie shown by Gail Lowden. High Point Amateur Halter Horse RMD Mindgames Open Halter Horse Im O So Genetically Sleek. High Point Led Versatility - Helen Cole, Perpetual Pot of Gold. High Point Amateur - Keryn Booth YLS Sassy High Point Senior Horse - YLS Sassy. Gail Lowden and Triandibo Inhecagie High Point Select Amateur High Point Junior Horse High Point Trail Keryn Booth and YLS Sassy Q-55104 Special thanks to all the helpers, Jess Page and Kimberly Lyons, who did a great job as Judges Stewards always makes the Show Secretary’s job easier. Gate Marshalls, Paul Lorimer, Ewan Bruce and Rob Lowden kept the show moving and Mark Bartlett who always lends a hand wherever he can. Special thanks to all the competitors who braved the elements and came along to ensure Southside had a great show to end the year. Look forward to seeing everyone back again next year, Merry Christmas and safe travels to all. Gail Lowden and Triandibo Inhecagie Q-77147 LA Car Carriers All Western Breeds Spectacular 2018 Photos - Rebecca De Vries Photography The LA Car Carriers All Western Breed Spectacular was held on the 20th and 21st October, as a part of bringing the Multi Judge shows to WA again. These shows rely heavily on the support from our sponsors and we were very privileged that LA Car Carriers, and Nominate, came on board as our main sponsors, for which we are very grateful. The highlight of this show was to help raise funds for our struggling farmers over east. All profit made from this show will be donated through the Drought Angels and the sup- port of all club members was heart felt. Special ‘Hope for Rain’ versatility classes (sponsored by WAPHA, WAQHA, and PRAC) were part of the fundraising pro- gram, which included a beautiful embroi- dered rug for 1st , ¼ blanket for 2nd, and garment bag for 3rd. Congrat- ulations to the winner Jacinta Bolsen- broek, with Rikki Planke 2nd and Tracy Whitton 3rd. Also congratulations to Deb Worth, winning the $250 voucher for Sen- ior Trail kindly sponsored by JK Barquoe Mechanical. Full results can be found on the WAQHA website. to Rikki Planke), and all proceeds of the raffle will go directly to the Drought Angels. The WAPHA also in August ran a successful Show to help raise aware- ness and funds for Beyond Blue, which we were happy to donate over $500 towards this special cause. As we know all too well, apart from our generous sponsors, we can’t do these events without the tireless efforts of all committee members, and volunteers, and so congratulations a huge team effort, and thank you. Sharon Currie on YLS Garnet Q-85164 Rae Hare on Pure Iron Q-75347 Please see to the right a range of photographs of a few of our members at the Multi Judge Show (these beautiful pic’s have been kindly donated by Rebecca De Vries Photography)! The WAPHA also donated a hand made wooden saddle stand, which was raffled over the weekend, (and congratulations 12 12 • • The The Australian Australian Quarter Quarter Horse Horse Magazine Magazine • • November November • • December• December • 2018 2018 Michaela Breen on Zerox Q 45618