April Magazine 2016 | Page 66

does the client’s life change for the better but his family and the attendees in the room will be impacted as well. When we can expand our consciousness only good can happen, or no good if you have no desire to change and then feel called to. Most people want the suffering to be over and seek a dramatic change for the better in many areas of their lives. Rarely do we expect our suffering and turmoil that we experience to be intertwined with those who came before! It’s very shamanic that we can heal heaven and earth simultaneously. I always try to get to a place of compassion for those who want love and need love to ease the pain that was frozen in time. Opening our hearts is the best place to start, especially with those who hurt us. A working client gets closure with a rep for that person or event to finally have the last word and turn away to a life and their future without that event dominating their subconscious. I find acceptance of life and all its ugliness and beauty is the goal during any Constellation Healing experience. I’ve let you know a lot about the process to help you understand how we get to the transformative places we go to release and heal what doesn’t belong to us but our historical ancestral lineage. We do this so the chi of life can expand and flow strongly in a new, healthier way as if life itself was taking a deep breath to move forward into the mystery as it unfolds, unencumbered by dramas or traumas that are long gone and no longer exist in the physical realm. When the past is complete, we can let it go, like a wave receding into the ocean from whence it came. The past has waited eons to be complete; it is safe now to show itself and the hidden beauty of strength and survival is possessed in the present, yet eternal, now! The eternal now is the true pinnacle of presence we all share equally together, living and dead. The age-old pain and suffering from memories carried by the living can rest 66 | Eydis Magazine in peace with the family history as we view the past in a new way without the unresolved change haunting us in the present, like a dark shadow keeping us from seeing the light. This process brings back trust, order, and clarity into the light, along with compassion. We also have a greater depth and understanding of much more than right or wrong. What would you do in their shoes? People attending a constellation healing experience have reps to represent the dead or living ancestors unbeknownst to them. Our ancestors, though disembodied in the physical realm become alive again, which they are in our subconscious mind. Maybe it’s their DNA that they shared with us that epigenetically gives us access to what’s hidden beneath our genes. Many times, the truth has been lying in wait for the right time to be expressed without judgement, condemnation, or remorse. In this place of unconditional love, which is beyond duality, they can reveal their secrets to heal the ties that bind and the wounds unhealed once and for all. After all, we are them and they are us. Our very physical make up is borrowed for a time, never owned but shared from one generation to the next. It’s what we do with that time in between that’s most important. “Life is a gift, plain and simple” The types of dynamics that show up are not for the faint of heart. My constellation workshops have usually between fifteen and twenty attendees and three to six clients prepared to work, using the group for support of god only knows what will show itself for the deepest healing and transformation not thought possible moments before. The universal, all-knowing field of eternal consciousness never lies. As Jack Nicholson would say, “Can we handle the truth?” Yes we can, or at the very least, the constellation facilitator can for the group. One of the issues from many workshops include a fear of ridicule from a callous grandfather towards his vulnerable grandson. The client/ grandson was working on not being afraid to be a success in life. If you cannot even get approval from your family, how will you get it from the marketplace? This client was aligned with his great-grandfather, who was connected to him to help heal the lineage of wounded males that were never good enough or could measure up in all sorts of ways to their dads. As a result of the healing and release, the client could courageously take his place in the lineage with honor and strength behind him to support him in life and business, which was the goal, creating more ease around success and money. eydismedia.com 67