APE APE Issue 0419 | Page 13

site Google uses that content to better understand what you do. And then Google will be more likely to share your website than others as people are searching for what you do. It will also be able to more specifically match your website’s pages to more specific search terms. Which means more website vis- itors for you that may potentially con- tact you to buy your services or apply for a job with your company. A Targeted Career Section. Most paving websites are built to sell services - not woo potential hires. Con- sider how you can use your website to show potential hires how great it is to work for your company. Job seekers need to be able to easily see themselves working for you. You can use your website to show them. You can use photos of your employees, post about how you support your commu- nity, train your staff and focus on safe- ty. But the easiest and most straight- 1.800.210.5923 As you regularly add content to your site Google uses that content to better understand what you do. forward way to get the point across is adding a targeted career section. Your company may be hiring every- one from operators to management. Tell me, do operators and manage- ment have the same qualifications? Do they have the same concerns? No, they don't. Each will evaluate your compa- ny through their own lens. A targeted career section speaking to the individ- ual concerns of each position type you are hiring for can allow you to set your company apart from others, potentially attracting more qualified applicants by addressing their concerns directly. Share a typical job path each type of applicant might progress through to show them there’s room for advance- ment in your company. Let them know [13] how long it might take to move up or how much experience a person usually has at each benchmark. Share testimo- nials from current employees. Show- case your benefits, training and safety programs tailoring each to the job type. And last but not least face objections head on, letting people know you antic- ipate their concerns and know how to make the best working environment for your employees. Does your website have one or all three of these paving website essentials? As the slow season draws to a close con- sider drawing up a plan to update your website with a built out services section, a robust projects section and a targeted careers section as time and money al- lows in your marketing budget. Monica Pitts is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of MayeCreate Design. She spends her days constructing a marriage of form and function; creating art with her design team to grow businesses through websites and online marketing. Monica considers herself an artist, marketer and web dork with the ability to speak geek and English. April 2019