APD Annual Reports - 2017 Annual Report | Page 40

Field Operations Bureau

North Patrol District 620 W . Division 817-459-5600

• The North District contains Viridian , the Entertainment District , and is home to thousands of residents and major businesses .
• The North District launched Arlington Ambassadors in Motion ( AAIM ) to assist with tourism efforts at the Levitt Pavilion .
• Officers committed over 300 hours to the department ’ s Coach 5-0 program at Lamar High School .
Deputy Chief Jeff Petty leads the North Patrol District as the divisional commander . The geographic area of the North District encompasses Arlington ’ s Entertainment District . In 2017 , the district launched the Arlington Ambassadors in Motion ( AAIM ) which is a volunteer program assigned to the Levitt Pavilion . Their primary focus is for volunteers to serve as tourism ambassadors and assist with distribution of literature at events .
Coach 5-0 continued to be a huge success for student athletes at Lamar High School . Officers dedicated over 300 resource hours
across sports including football , softball , soccer and volleyball . Officers stood on the sidelines while encouraging and mentoring young people . The partnership between Coach 5-0 and students has enhanced the positive rapport between police and teens .
The North District continued focusing on repeat , known offenders and proactive patrols to keep residents and visitors safe . There were several great arrests made throughout the year . Officers continued to focus on business areas as well as including the Walmart Restorative Justice project which has resulted in less crime and fewer resource hours dedicated to shoplifting offenses .


Annual Report 2017