APD Annual Reports - 2015 Annual Report | Page 17

that his life had changed for the better based upon that positive interaction with APD and the time that Lt. McGuire had spent with him trying to get his life back on track. Officers and other community leaders are partnered with at-risk youth through a standardized curriculum that seeks to build essential life skills and set teens on a pathway for success. Officers meet weekly and have very focused and deliberate conversations on a variety of critical topics. Mentors lead workshops on leadership and team building exercises and set aside quality one-on-one time with the teens. The MAY program is an 18-month journey for young men. The COPS Office recently recognized the program as a best practices mentoring opportunity that can be replicated throughout police departments around the country. “A young man came to me years after an arrest and told me what a positive impact I was in his life, which was the guiding moment for me to start this program.” - Lieutenant Tarrick McGuire 17