APD Annual Reports - 2014 Annual Report | Page 29

Field Operations Bureau EastDistrict Patrol is one of the most visible functions of the Police Department. In 2014, the East Police District focused on reducing violent crimes. Specific emphasis included robbery reduction and arresting violent offenders before they could commit criminal offenses. As a result, violent crimes fell to historic lows in the district. Significant investments were made in the community with beat officers getting out and meeting with residents, businesses and representing the department at many community events. East District foot patrol officers participated in the Thornton Elementary School Project REACH Mentorship program. By making significant investments in our youth, children learn basic life skills to assist them in becoming productive adults down the road. The relationship between kids and law enforcement is also enhanced through regular interactions with police officers. The goal is to provide assistance and referrals to families who need it the most in hopes of minimizing a child’s possibility of engaging in criminal activities. Global Youth Service Day was held at Sam Houston High School. These youth programs are a cornerstone in building partnerships that build mutual trust between the police and our young people. Officers partnered throughout the year with many community groups. This past year, officers attended East Arlington Renewal monthly meetings to share information and work together to make Arlington better. This regular interaction strengthened bonds and formed re ][ۜ