Apartment Trends Magazine October 2015 | Page 13

I M P A C T • I N F L U E N C E • I N S P I R E Secret Weapon Service! 20 Ideas for Maintenance OCTOBER 21 | 8:15 - 10 AM | RADISSON/RED LION LORI SNIDER, REDPEAK The residents at your community may not know the office team, but chances are, they do know, (and have preferences regarding,) the entire maintenance crew. After all, you see them more – it’s you that physically provides service and fixes the problems in their apartments. You definitely have an impact on whether they stay or go. In this session, you’ll learn 20 easy service ideas that will help you and your team deliver exceptional service and enhance perceived value. Learn how to integrate your maintenance department into the community retention programs enhance resident relationships.Times. FEATURED SPONSOR: REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.AAMDHQ.ORG DOG PARK PRODUCTS & DESIGN www.LivinTheDogLife.com [email protected] www.aamdhq.org Phone: 800-931-1562 OCTOBER 2015 • TRENDS | 11