Apartment Trends Magazine Nov / Dec 2017 | Page 8

FROM THE PRESIDENT BRANDON RICH | GREYSTAR REAL ESTATE PARTNERS Identifying Rising Stars and Developing Leaders A s our industry and workforce grows, AAMD is focusing on What is THE single most valuable skill set you like to see in your young we launched "LEAP: Leaders Engaged in Action and Perfor- Attitude is really key. So much of the tasks we perform can be taught. But developing leaders to lead the next fifty years. A few years ago, mance." LEAP is a leadership program designed to meet the needs of AAMD leadership by: » » Equipping industry leaders with the skills to succeed in their » » Increasing how engaged AAMD leaders are in the organization » » Advancing the goals of AAMD through leaders who are willing » » Providing educational opportunities for AAMD leaders to » » Identifying rising stars - the next generation of AAMD leaders workplace to take action improve their workplace and association performance - and begin to prepare them to serve as leaders This issue is the Rising Leadership issue, and many leaders in the Association were asked to fill out a questionnaire that you'll find the answers to in the issue on pages 27, 31 and 35. Here are my answers to some of the questions that were asked: What specific habits do you find most valuable in young professionals in your company? Curiosity. I can tell when team members are engaged by the thoughtful questions they ask. When they want to know "why" that is a good thing. What are specific habits that are most detrimental to your company that you see in your young professionals? Our younger team members are vital to our organization. They bring in professionals? attitude is truly the difference between success and failure. In your experience, how long should a young professional reasonably expect to be in a position before they’re comfortable in their shoes? That depends on so many factors. The position, the level of experience, and the leader who is mentoring them. Much of it is up the person and the internal voices they listen to. In your experience, how long should a young professional reasonably expect to be in a position before they should consider advancement in the company? While there is no crystal ball, it is important to set long term goals for your career aspirations. Look for companies that align with your own pers