Apartment Trends Magazine May 2018 | Page 53

action against a tenant, after a tenant has filed a housing discrimination complaint, it looks like retaliation. When a landlord takes adverse action against this same tenant and can't prove that it has taken similar action against other CCTs in the past, it looks like retaliation. Non-renewal policies can entirely change this picture. As part of landlord's non-renewal policies, landlord has made a conscious decision to non-renew CCTs. Landlord has determined that CCTs take up too much of the on-site team's time and will never be satisfied. Further, landlord's non-renewal policy dictates that if the on-site team has determined to non-renew a tenant, then that decision is documented in the tenant's file once the determination is made. If you make a decision to non-renew a tenant, you don't have to tell them until you are legally or contractually obligated to tell them. For example, if the tenant is on a twelve-month lease (e.g. January to December) and you determine three months in that the tenant is a CCT, you can document in writing that the on-site team has determined to non-renew. www.aamdhq.org When October rolls around, you then send out the sixty-day notice of non- renewal. In our CCT scenario, if the landlord had adopted these policies two years prior to the CCT coming onto the scene, the landlord could now non-renew with confidence. The CCT may still allege retaliation, but the landlord is armed to defeat any retaliation claim. No, we didn't single this CCT out because he filed a housing discrimination complaint. We non-renew every CCT. No, we aren't just making this up. We have a written policy that was adopted years ago, prior to us even renting to this CCT. Since that time, we have non- renewed 22 CCTs based on this policy. No, we didn't decide to non-renew the CCT after he filed a housing discrimination complaint. In fact, we made the decision to non-renew the CCT in March per the written documentation in his file. The CCT didn't file his housing discrimination complaint until July. Because the decision to non- renew the CCT was made prior to the CCT filing a housing discrimination complaint, our decision wasn't based on him filing a complaint. In addition to not having non-renewal policies, we see landlords make too many mistakes in handling renewal offers. In this case, the CCT is refusing to sign a renewal offer. Based on everything that has transpired, the on-site team doesn't want to force the issue because they are afraid of making a wrong move which will aggravate the CCT further. A landlord should never allow a tenant to hold them hostage over a renewal offer. All renewal offer issues can and should be addressed by landlord's policies. First and foremost, every landlord's renewal policy should dictate that renewal offers are limited. Specifically, if a renewal is not accepted within X days, it is automatically withdrawn. If a renewal offer is withdrawn due to the passage of time, per the tenant's lease, the tenant becomes a month-to-month tenant at the expiration of the term. If a tenant goes month- to- month then their rent will likely be higher, i.e. either the then market rate or current rent plus month-to-month fees. If a tenant becomes month-to-month, the landlord can end the relationship at any time. If a renewal offer is withdrawn due to the passage of time, the landlord is under no obligation and can't guarantee that landlord will enter into a new lease. CCTs raise many challenging issues. All CCT related issues can be addressed by proper policies. Without proper, well thought out policies, CCTs can literally hold the on-site team hostage. For example, if your lease doesn't adequately address hostile or excessive communications, a CCT can subject the on-site team to a relentless stream of emails and voicemails. Similarly, without well thought out non-renewal policies, if a CCT or any tenant for that matter files a housing discrimination complaint against you, your options for handling are extremely limited. In most cases, your only option is to allow enough time to pass so it appears that your non-renewal decision isn't based on the fact that the tenant filed a housing discrimination complaint (retaliation). Of course, during this time, the on-site team is subject to further abuse by the CCT, and who know what else will come up during the CCT’s extended stay. When it comes to CCTs, the boy scout motto is the best. Be Prepared. Mark Tschetter is a partner of Tschetter Hamrick Sulzer, P.C. who acts as Colorado Council to the NAA. He routinely teaches classes to multifamily housing professionals. His specific area of interest and expertise is Fair Housing Laws, and speaks to professional organizations on landlord / tenant and legislative issues. MAY 2018 TRENDS | 51