Apartment Trends Magazine February 2018 | Page 11

ASSOCIATION NEWS Standard Interiors Honored with 50 Year Loyalty Award UPCOMING VISIT WWW.AAMDHQ.ORG FOR DETAILS AND TO SIGN UP FEBRUARY 21 POWERLUNCH "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT!" FEBRUARY 27 IROC BACKSTAGE PASS MARCH 5 DESIGNATIONS BEGIN CERTIFIED APARTMENT MANAGER CERTRIFIED APARTMENT SUPPLIER F or years, the Apartment Association of Metro Denver has honored length of membership at June Awards with the Pyramid (20 years) and Apex (35 years) Awards, which have been presented to dozens of companies who have maintained consistant memberships. We are thrilled to have one company as our charter members and are honored to present this award to Standard Interiors, who have not only been members for 50 years, but also consistant supporters of our Economic Conference, Ski Trips, Conferences, Supplier's and Networking Councils and Apartment Trends Magazine. Several members of the Standard Interiors team have served in committee leadership and on the Board of Directors. At Econ 2018 last month, AAMD awarded the very first Golden Loyalty Award to Standard Interiors, which will be given to members who maintain 50 years of AAMD Membership! MARCH 6 SUPPLIERS COUNCIL MARKETING AT TRADE SHOW MARCH 9 APARTMENT ALL STARS MARCH 20 DESIGNATION BEGINS CERTIFIED APARTMENT PORTFOLIO SUPERVISOR MARCH 21 POWERLUNCH THRIVING IN CHAOS MARCH 27 IROC MEASURING YOUR PROPERTY'S PERFORMANCE #AAMD50 USE #AAMD50 AT ALL EVENTS AND FUNCTIONS THIS YEAR AND YOU COULD HAVE YOUR PICTURES PRINTED IN APARTMENT TRENDS! www.aamdhq.org FEBRUARY 2018 • TRENDS | 9