Apartment Trends Magazine April 2018 | Page 33

THROUGH ‘68 ‘18 2018 EDUCATION CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW THE IMPORTANCE OF BODY LANGUAGE From projecting self confidence in an interview to landing a hot date, never underestimate the importance of body language in non-verbal communication. A ctions speak louder than words. How many times have you heard that? Probably lots. Body language helps you read between the lines of what’s being said to understand what’s not being said - and the person’s true message. It’s proven that body language is one of the most important ways we communicate the meaning of our message. And many times body language is the only way we communicate. A shrug of the shoulders, wink or smirk say so much without saying a word. These are great signals to look for in a normal conversation. But what about when the stakes get higher? What is that job applicant not saying in the interview? What’s that potential resident NOT saying? And can you trust that investment guy who has a deal that sounds too good to be true? Did your kids eat the donuts off the counter… or did the dog? Yes, body language can be the key to lie detection and missing the signs can be expensive. IN COMMUNICATION In highly emotional conversations, body language can be key to understanding what’s really being said. And most conver- sations have an emotional component, even though people won’t admit it. As smart and logical as we thing we are, we act primarily on feelings, not logic. www.aamdhq.org The police, FBI and TSA think body language is so important that they’re spend- ing piles of money to train their staff to use it to solve crimes and even to monitor you at the airport security line. A person who isn’t telling the whole truth may clear their throat, stammer or change their pitch as if to try and sway your attention away from their lie or in order to stall so they may have time to think up a valid answer or plausible explanation. Additionally, foot tapping or bouncing, blushing, putting their hand to their face, turning away or raising their shoulders may all be indicators that they are uncomfort- able with the conversation because they are not telling the truth. Lie detection is just one of the things that is important for every day communication. Body language also impacts first impressions, persuasion in sales, negotiations, apartment leasing… and generally your ability to get what you want out of any exchange. IN BUSINESS AND JOB INTERVIEWING Body language can be a key component in job interviewing. Are you sitting up straight and looking the interviewer in the eye, showing them you mean business? Or are you slouching in your chair, looking like you don’t care? Are you bouncing your knee? That says you TRACI BROWN 2018 PRESENTER want out of there! Or are you still and com- posed. Are you wringing your hands and playing with your cuffs? That sends signs of nervousness. Remember first impressions last. Are you hunched over your phone in the wait- ing area for your interview, making yourself look small and powerless and creating the neurology of lack of confidence in yourself? If nothing else, stand up in the waiting room for a job interview. Give yourself a chance to create the neurology of confi- dence and look powerful to your inter- viewer. Let them know you’re at ease and confident with the subject matter and can handle whatever assignment they give you. So yes, body language is important. Take the time to study and use it and you’ll start to see the results quickly. And you’re in luck!! Internationally recognized body language expert Traci Brown will be speaking at our conference! Be sure to come and you’ll learn to get ahead by uncovering secrets hidden in plain sight. Traci Brown is a Body Language and Uncon- scious Persuasion Expert. Through dynamic pre- sentations she assists groups across all industries learn the tools to hear “ Yes!” more easily and more often. Traci is a Three Time US Collegiate Cycling Champion and former member of Team USA. Through sports she became keenly aware that her mind was the primary factor which determined her success. APRIL 2018 TRENDS | 31