AORE Association News December 2018 | Page 5


Aong with all of the education, networking, and skill-building programming, quite a bit of official AORE and WEA governance work got done on-site in Utah. Pictured below is the AORE Access Committee that met on Tuesday, October 23, 2018. All of these Committee meetings are open to all conference attendees and attendees interested in learning more or hoping to become more involved should attend. Find out more about the different AORE Committees here.

In addition to all of the Committee meetings, the AORE Board of Directors met and passed some changes to the official Bylaws. If you are interested in learning about those changes, you can read the Bylaws on the AORE website here.

The AORE Access Committee met at the AORE WEA National Conference on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 in Snowbird, UT.