Anzzia Magazine 7:2018 | Page 56

Like, you're not really nervous anymore. So, I don't get really nervous anymore. Unless it's like a big deal show. Like, if there's something riding on the line or something I'll get a little nervous. But, if you're in a nightclub and or you see a comedian out and it's just a casual fun night for them, I don't really feel nerves in that kind of situation.

Anzzia: How many years have you been doing it now officially?

Carmen: Thirteen years.

Anzzia: Holy cow that's crazy!

Carmen: Yeah, I know. When I say that out loud it's like, “What the heck?”

Anzzia: It means you're good at it because you're still doing it! /laughs

Carmen: Yeah, I love it! When I first started MySpace was a big deal. Everybody was talking about MySpace. I wish I could go back and learn how to like really utilize social media. Because that's a thing comedians and entertainers have to learn how to do now. It's not enough to be funny, go up there with a good act, or be able to sing. You have to learn social media, which is so hard! But, I'm learning.

Anzzia: Hecklers, I know everybody has to deal with them. How do you personally deal with hecklers at your shows?

Carmen: Hecklers, yeah, that's always a thing. The one rule to remember with hecklers that somebody told me when I first started, just remain calm. If you remain calm and you don't let them get to you. Because no matter what you say you're going to be louder then them and you're going to get the last word in because you have a microphone. So, you pretty much always win if you think of something to say. They're not intimidating, they're just annoying. Even everybody else in the crowd is "Ugh, shut this guy up! Take him out of here! He's disrupting the show." Most people just want to watch it for the show. They don't want to listen to a heckler try to make it all about them. Heckler's think they're doing something to help the show and it's just so annoying.

But, you never see that with musicians. You never see the crowd come up and like, fist fight somebody that's a guitar guy.

Anzzia: /laughs

Carmen: Yeah, that doesn't happen. Most hecklers aren't that bad. Sometimes you'll get drunk people who just want to fight. They'll fight anybody but, it's usually not that bad.

Anzzia: How would you describe your comedy routine? When you're on stage?

Carmen: Okay so, I don't like to rate my comedy, so, if it was like a movie I would say it's like, PG-13. I'm not like, filthy, raunchy because I feel like that's kind of like tasteless and I don't know. I'm not going to also like, I'm not trying to like, the shows not for kids. It's still going to be for adults but, it's not like, raunchy. No matter what, funny wins. If something is funny then it's going into the act. But, if it's like, raunchy then it's not.

Anzzia: I agree. I do enjoy... the less raunchy, you're right the less raunchy shows, theirs a time and a place for everything. If that makes sense?

Carmen: Yeah, it's just different with stand up. I don't know, maybe because I feel that there is so much, we've been so desensitized to modern day humor. You can look on YouTube or online and find any dirty joke or any kind of like, you know it's already been done. I almost feel like you have to be a little bit more clever when it's a little bit cleaner, you know? I don't know.