Anzzia Magazine 10:2018 | Page 48

she just talks about it. I spoke with her and she was like, "Well, Valeka it wasn't really something for my husband really to sign off on because it's me. It's me disclosing something about me. Because I have told you, you have to disclose something about yourself." You know what I mean?

Anzzia: Hmm. Hmm.

Valeka: It's totally different, you know what I mean?

Anzzia: Very much so.

Valeka: So, waiting on him to get comfortable and him being the amazing man that he is, once he got comfortable he gave me his blessing.

Anzzia: So, you guys now have this platform and you said you're affiliated with a couple foundations. Who are they and what do they do? I would love to know about them as well because it's great to get the word out, you know?

Valeka: It's so good to get the word out because people don't even know that there are plans to help you, assisted reproductive technologies, to have children. So, the Cade Foundation, they have been freaking awesome! Jason and I applied for so many grants girl. I cannot tell you how many grants. We applied for one today because we still need more money but, we're almost there. We need like 6,000 more dollars. Right now we're just paying out of pocket but, if we can get a grant that would cover the rest of it and that would be great! /laughs

Anzzia: True.

Valeka: But, the Cade Foundation, they're these groups that are nonprofit organizations and their whole platform is to raise money. It is to give away money to families who need help. The Cade Foundation, of all of the grants that we applied to, the Cade Foundation was like, "Oh my God, you and your husband's story!" Because you have to write an essay. Your spouse has to write one and you have to write one. What is your point of view? How does this make you feel as the spouse? They go through everything. I mean it's like buying a house. They comb through your finances, it's insane. The questions that they ask you. Have you ever been to jail? Have you ever done this? You're like, what does going to jail have to do with having a child? I didn't

know that if I went to jail that I wasn't suitable to be a mother or father, you know what I'm saying? But, Dr. Camille Hammond, her and her husband, they're both doctors and the founders of the Cade Foundation. They're a Black couple out of the D.C. Area girl and they are partnered with Shady Grove Fertility. Shady Grove Fertility Clinic is the fertility clinic we are affiliated with. They're the #1 fertility clinic in the country girl. They're super expensive. But, they raise money all year. They raise money. They have different fundraisers and events. We received two grants from them. We want to start treatment in December. That's when we want to start.

Anzzia: Oh! That's going to be so great! I'm so happy for you guys and your journey and the fact that you are moving forward and finding your way and being blessed on this journey. It's amazing!

Valeka: I have some workshops that are coming. I am teaching a master class in D.C. on November 17th at the Anacostia Arts Center. I am teaching it with Rhavynn Drummer, who is Tyler Perry's casting director. We're doing a workshop together in D.C. I'm really excited about that. The reason I decided to do that was; when we were living in D.C. And this is when I was like, "You know what? I want to do more TV and film.", casting directors don't come to D.C., to do workshops. They do them in Atlanta. They do them in LA. They do them in Chicago, New York, I was always flying out to go to a casting workshop and I'm just like with D.C. we have the #2 theater in the country. There are some amazing actors here. I called Rhavynn and I was like, "Girl, would you be interested in doing in a workshop in D.C.?" She's like, "I've always wanted to do that I just haven't gotten around to it." I said, "Boo, I'm going to do it. My company is going to do it and we are going to do it." I can't remember when we talked about that but, I'm excited. November, November 17th is the day we are having it. We are actually shooting the promotional video this weekend for it. I'm really excited!

Anzzia: Look at how that worked out. /laughs