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Benefits of Getting out of the home office Some Really Good Ideas Small Business Ideas With the current state of economy, salaries are bound to remain stagnant as companies can not afford to increase their workers’ salaries as they look for ways to reduce their overhead cost. Good news is, you can increase your own income by having multiple inlet streams. Surprisingly, starting your own business is really simple, you just need to take the first step – checking to see things that you have penchant for. Tired of answering queries, brainstorming ideas and solutions for employers? Ready to be your own boss?Here are some of the best small business ideas you might find useful. Personal Shopper If you’re interested in shopping, and you like working with people, this job could be ideal for you. A personal shopper gives advice and suggestions to customers on products that fit their needs. This could be anything from gifts to household goods to clothing. You do not need any particular qualification to get into this job. As a personal shopper, you’ll shop in a number of stores for your customers. You’ll need to keep on top of trends and know exactly where to get what you’re looking for. Sounds like fun right?! Online Store: Do you make your handcrafted items? Yes! It’s possible to own your own online store where you can sell your products and items. All you need is an ecommerce website and the right software to start. Nevertheless, several online marketplaces in facebook and spotify you to sell items- fashion, health and beauty, electronics and even handcrafted items on their platform. Read more here 1. Networking. People who spend more than 20 hours a week networking, on average, get almost 70 percent of their business through referrals. Get out and visit or join area networking groups, attend chamber of commerce meetings,. You’ll meet new people, make important contacts, and generate more business. 2. Inspiration. The simple act of taking a walk can soothe the soul and allow your subliminal mind start to create. Steve Jobs espoused this activity. Mark Zuckerberg is known to hold meetings while walking. Walking boosts creativity by an average of 60 percent. While walking, let your mind wander and your thoughts gather. Don’t force thoughts or try to come to decisions. Notice your surroundings with a conscious effort to use all your five senses -- sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste. 3. Healthy vitamins. There’s a reason you were told to play outside when you were a child…it’s health! More people lack essential vitamins than ever before, partly because they’re staying inside more. The sun’s energy turns a chemical in your skin into vitamin D3, which is carried to the liver and kidneys to transform into Vitamin D. Lack of Vitamin D can lead to a number of health concerns, including osteoporosis, fractures, prostate, colon and breast cancer, cardiovascular disease and other disorders. 4. Better self worth. Even something as simple as getting dressed to go out can lift the spirits, along with the good feeling you get from grooming and preening yourself. Make it a point to get in the shower every morning and dress for work, even if you don’t leave your home. It will make a huge difference in how professional you feel, and act, in your office, and you’ll be ready to dash out the door at a moment’s notice when a friend or new client wants to meet you for lunch. 5. Essential movement. Sitting for hours can ruin your health, and may even raise your risk of death. You also need regular movement and exercise to boost your energy and keep you from developing stiff muscles or other neuromuscular or physiological problems caused by sitting too much. Make it a point to take a break several times