Any Where Business Network Issue 3: August 2016

August 2016 Anywhere Business Network Activities July 2016 The Anywhere Business Network continued to bring you content from the internet that is timely and relevant to small home businsses with the aim of making more aware of the potential for working at home and in a digital platform. To that effect in conjunction with the owners of the site material has been sourced from all over the internet to bring you tips on motivation, planning and studies of how this can work for you. It is particularly pleasing the views of video content provided which allows people to see what home business or working anywhere anytime and any can work for you. Highlights of the Month Include  Further Video featuring the first steps in the planning process  An incredible offer from SFM  An addition of a mobile friendly site  Motivation and business planning videos  Links to important resources of any budding digital entrepreneur You should watch these videos - Facebook comment to another person In This Issue Photo Caption  10 Steps Sustainable  Motivation Quotes  Intro to My Shop  SFM  Future