Another View Magazine Orillia Winter 2014 | Page 5

rehtonA Orillia RETNIW 4102 eussI tsriF Another View EERF weiV By Dr. Jody Snider aillirO There is a healer in all of us. As I read over the words of these gifted natural health practitioners and advocates, weivretaW ehowyinteresting P ecapS it strikes me hT b dehsilbu it is to have such varied perspectives on one topic. The common thread in every article is not simply health, but empowerment. The idea that we, in each of us, hold the key to our own healing, health, wellbeing, as well as the power to help those around us. There is a healer in all of us. ssenlleW & htlaeH arearuto aN Physiologically speaking, our bodies l built t heal enizagaM themselves, although from time to time we may need a gentle nudge or a reminder of how to get there. Our ideas of what healing looks like may also differ greatly throughout our journey. As a Naturopath, I took an oath to respect the healing power of nature. In one sense, you could look at this as utilizing the medicinal properties of various plants, :eufoods,sbutt emustnI look within and ssi ih we dis also ourselves, our bodies. As part of the human race, we are part of nature and our power to heal – mind, body, and spirit – deserves tremendous respect. aiaG yb trA Whether you devote your life’s work to ‘healing’, create art for the world to enjoy, provide a shoulder to lean on, or simplynicideM cihtaporutaN e smile at a passer by, we also possess the ability to support the healing of others in our own unique and inspiring ways. enicideM esenihC lanoitidarT In this first issue of Another View Orillia, we feature articles from a variety of compassionate, talented, and knowledgeable natural health and wellness advocates in gnih I would like f thank the Orillia community. caoC etoiL all the healers who contributed. What you do and say is important and this is such an amazing platform to have it seen and heard. Thank you gneducating,ybaB and inspiring for iraew motivating the healer in all of us. ■ Dr. Jody Snider, BAH, ND. ikieR Orillia Magazine Coordinator Restoration Healthcare Naturopathic Clinic - 5 Progress Dr., Orillia, ON Alternate Location: 3 Huronwoods Dr. Sugarbush, ON [email protected] 705-730-4988 5