Annual Report 2018 | Page 8

8 CVO ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Strategy 2020 Year 2 Accomplishments • convene the first series of public advisory panel meetings and report on progress Advance public voice in regulatory policy • complete public opinion survey and a separate survey for veterinarians to determine progress related to trustworthiness (delayed from 2017) • create a mechanism to regularly provide Council with public perspective related to College operations and processes • operations and processes increase uptake of new public newsletter across varied veterinary clientele • partial completion: process developed, first report expected in December 2018 approximately 900 subscribers • identify two risk-based initiatives and implement mitigation strategies that promote professionalism Promote professionalism & self- regulation in the practice of veterinary medicine • identify and create innovative mechanisms for reporting practice risks to the profession. Implement at least one and assess response • integrate new risk assessment and analysis tools into Council debate • collaborate with the CCVR and NEB to implement plan for developing a national competencies framework for the profession • develop and implement an outcomes- based remediation strategy at the level of all panel decision-making • continue the development of the Peer Advisory Conversation (PAC) and the new Accreditation model for full implementation with legislative reform • partial completion: strategic risk identification and analysis process is in place; method of reporting to the profession is in development