Annual Report 2017–2018 | Page 32

30 Annual Report 2017 – 2018 Pillar 4: Extraordinary Community EXPANDING THE CROFTON HOUSE COMMUNITY 2017 Winter Bazaar The Crofton House Winter Bazaar meals and a healthy snack each day. “Everyone at Crofton House is so has always served as an important “We received a donation that was so grateful for that opportunity to make a opportunity to contribute to the much more than expected, so we difference. As a result they feel a sense of broader community of which Crofton have plans to augment our summer pride at being a part of this community. House is a part, while drawing our own program,” says Kirschner. “It’s more Everybody is pitching in because it’s School community closer together. The than keeping our kids fed - it’s about meaningful to them,” says Suzanne. charitable roots of the Winter Bazaar giving them joyful and exciting “It’s an opportunity to contribute to our go back to the early 1970s when experiences.” community and the wider community proceeds raised were donated to the through an event that’s part of the fabric More than 40 conveners and 900 of Crofton House.” Red Cross and other organizations. volunteers generously shared their In the words of co-chair Kris Dattani, skills and their time to bring this the Winter Bazaar is about “giving year’s event to fruition, with volunteer back to your own community in a participation from parents and way that engages people and creates students, supported by the School. an opportunity for them to connect Suzanne Chong, who co-chaired with each other - and it’s about giving the event with Kris, says that the goal back to the broader community.” for the Winter Bazaar is to involve as many people as possible and make it Last year, the CHS Parents’ Auxiliary made a three year commitment to a true community event. donate the proceeds from the Winter Bazaar to KidSafe, an organization that offers daytime programming for children at six locations in the city where they are most vulnerable during school breaks. This year’s event raised an incredible $61,800 for K idSafe. Quincey Kirschner, KidSafe’s executive director says the proceeds will go beyond simply supporting the KidSafe meal program, which provides two hearty T he 2017 Winter Ba zaar saw i nc re a s e d i nvol ve me nt f rom students in both the Junior and Senior Schools. Senior School students embraced the planning and execution of a gift basket booth, efforts that paid off with baskets selling-out. The Junior School ’s craft booth fostered a greater sense of contribution, where girls were excited to make and sell beautiful ornaments. “The Winter Bazaar is an opportunity to contribute to our community and the wider community.”