Annual Report 2017 | Page 19

with best practice and good patient care. In 2017, we completed the investigations for most of the 84 physicians investigated as a result of information received from the Narcotics Monitoring System. As is evident from the outcomes in the chart below, the College’s preferred approach is to support education and continued prescribing under supervision, where the physician’s capacity for remediation is apparent. Outcomes of NMS-initiated investigations No action 22 Advice 5 Remedial self-study 2 Mandated remediation 38 Mandated remediation and a caution 8 Prescribing restrictions 2 Prescribing restrictions and a caution 1 No longer in practice 4 Referral to the Discipline Committee* 2 Total No. of Cases 84 Understanding and questioning prescribing practices is not intended to discourage appropriate opioid prescribing, and we remind physicians that suddenly stopping opioid therapy is not safe for patients. Prescribing opioids under the right conditions is essential to good patient care. Protecting Patients from Sexual Abuse Bill 87, the Protecting Patients Act, which was passed in May 2017, is an important piece of legislation for Ontario’s patients and for all health regulatory colleges who regulate Ontario’s health professions in the public interest. The Bill strengthens the sexual abuse and transparency provisions in the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), and changes how we move forward in the complaints, investigation and discipline processes. In 2017, the College reviewed the proposed legislation carefully and fully participated in the legislative process to help ensure the regulatory system had the tools needed to ensure patient protection. Throughout our own Sexual Abuse Initiative, the College has expressed its commitment to protect patients from sexual abuse by physicians. We reviewed and improved our processes and practices, and will continue to look for opportunities to ensure patients have the support and information they need. When the Bill was introduced in December 2016, we were pleased to see a number of our recommendations reflected in the Bill. * One hearing has concluded with a finding of professional misconduct and the physician agreeing to relinquish his licence; the second hearing is pending as of May 30, 2018. CPSO ANNUAL REPORT 2017 // page 19