Annual Report 2016-2017 AnnualReport_2016-2017Web | Page 27


Peer-to-peer connections , enhanced because of you

The aim of our ‘ Say No To Bullying ’ Poster Competition is to raise awareness of the issue of bullying and to assist schools to identify and address bullying behaviours in their school communities . The involvement and interest has been overwhelming , with more than 20,000 students taking part since its launch in 2014 .

Julie ’ s case study

“ She spoke about feeling like an outsider , as though she didn ’ t really fit ”

“ A young girl was brought in by her adoptive mother to undergo counselling . Her story is special , however not uncommon . When she was born , she was left on the steps of an orphanage in Cambodia . She was adopted five months later . She spoke about feeling like an outsider , as though she didn ’ t really fit ( very typical of children who have been adopted , especially those involved in inter-racial adoption ), then she began to share with me about how one particular event – our 2017 Say No To Bullying Poster Competition – had changed her life . She told me her class had recently focused on bullying . She had learnt about exclusion and how it affects so many people . By entering our competition , she was given a voice , and now she feels confident to speak up and not worry about what others say about her being different . This girl now knows it ’ s okay to just be herself , and that it ’ s very important to say what ’ s true for her – beautiful lessons to learn at such a young age .”