Annual Report 2015 | Page 69

4 Staff Costs 2015 £’000 Wages, salaries and bonuses Social security costs Pension costs 68,949 6,205 3,231 2014 £’000 65,625 6,047 2,993 78,385 74,665 2015 2014 Number Number Average number of employees   South Staffs Water 478    Non-regulated service companies 2,015 511 1,859 2,493 2,370 5 Directors’ Remuneration The remuneration of the Directors of the Company, is set out below. 2015 £’000 2014 £’000 Emoluments 336 621 There was 1 Director holding office at 31 March 2015 accruing benefits under a Group defined benefit pension scheme (2014: 1 Director) and no Directors were contributing members of a Group money purchase pension scheme (2014: No Directors). There were no contributions paid by the Group to money purchase pension schemes in respect of Directors during the year (2014: £Nil). The highest paid Director received emoluments of £336,000 (2014: £621,000) during the year. As at 31 March 2015 he was a member of a Group defined benefit pension scheme which provided for an accrued pension of £65,000 (2014: £60,000) and an accrued lump sum of £196,000 at 31 March 2015 (2014: £179,000). There were no Group contributions to a money purchase pension scheme in respect of the highest paid Director (2014: £Nil). None of the Directors had a material interest in any contract to which the Group was party during the year or the preceding year. 67