Annual Report 2015 | Page 68

Notes to the Financial Statements 3 Operating Costs 2015 £’000 Other operating income (note 6) Raw materials and consumables Staff costs (note 4) Depreciation (non-infrastructure assets) Depreciation (infrastructure assets) Amortisation of goodwill (note 11) Amortisation of capital contributions Operating lease rentals:    plant and machinery   other Other operating costs 2014 £’000 (1,038) 24,204 78,385 20,160 8,722 3,729 (717) (1,028) 22,366 74,665 18,696 10,917 3,753 (692) 195 3,086 56,091 185 3,118 45,216 192,817 177,196 The Group auditor’s remuneration is analysed as follows: 2015 £'000 2014 £'000 Fees payable to the Company's auditor for the audit of the    Company's annual accounts The audit of other Group undertakings pursuant to legislation 20 155 20 151 Total audit fees 175 171 Other services pursuant to legislation 14 12 Other services 20 — Tax services 26 50 66 Total non-audit fees 60 62