Annual Report 2015-16 | Page 8

T HE NE E D F OR A DU LT IM M I G R A N T EDU C AT ION I N WAS H IN GTON , D.C . D.C. adults lack a high school diploma. 1 in 5 Residents in metropolitan Washington, D.C. is foreign-born. 32,000 D.C. residents with limited English proficiency. 20 % of immigrants in the District do not have a high school diploma compared to 10% of native- born individuals. 24 % rate of unemployment for D.C. residents without a high school degree. 72 % of jobs in Washington, D.C. will require post-secondary education or training by 2020. Sources: Brookings Institution, Immigration Policy, DC Appleseed, Office of Human Rights, Office of Human Rights, White House Report on Community College 9 8 62,000 +