Annual Report 2015-16 | Page 30

FIN A N C I A L S ASSETS CHANGES IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS 2016 2015 Prepaid expenses $ 11,942,634 $ 54,336 $ 1,089 $ 272,366 $ 10,256,230 $ 469,380 $ 97,505 $ 366,971 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 12,270,425 $ 11,190,086 Investments Deposits $ 3,142,281 $ 20,590,820 $ 1,578,624 $ 433,509 $ 127,440 $ 3,058,415 $ 22,211,347 $ 1,578,624 $ 1,570,324 $ 127,440 TOTAL ASSETS $ 38,143,099 $ 39,736,236 Cash and cash equivalents Due from Community Capital Corporation 30 Grant and other receivables Property and equipment, net Facility repair and improvements reserve fund 11% General and Administrative 2015 $ 17,040,171 $ 6,302,357 $ 23,342,528 $ 17,010,463 $ 5,904,001 $ 23,000,863 $ 199,124 $ 448,234 $ 240,341 $ 95,969 $ 256,862 $ 389,900 $ 198,138 23,922 $ 24326196 $ 23,869,685 $ 77,400 8,707 $ 24,403,596 $ 23,878,392 $ 20,287,125 $ 3,311,501 $ 143,138 R E V E N U E A N D S U P P O RT CURRENT ASSETS U SE O F FUNDS 2016 Other assets Charter per pupil allotment Regular Facilities Grants and contributions Culinary arts sales Student fees and other income Investment income TOTAL REVENUE AND SUPPORT Net assets released from restrictions TOTAL REVENUE, SUPPORT AND OTHER INCREASES EXPENSES LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 2016 2015 $ 424,930 $ 2,525,047 - $ 33,311 $ 130,619 Fundraising TOTAL EXPENSES $ 25,037,379 $ 23,741,764 $ (633,783) $ 136,628 Current portion of capital lease obligations $ 151,945 $ 1,533,287 $ 557,491 $ 27,940 $ 133,272 $ 22,197,321 $ 2,765,700 $ 74,358 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 2,403,935 $ 3,113,907 Contributions $ 2,344,776 $ 13,179,592 $ 289,868 Net assets released from restrictions $ 142,563 $ (8,707) (Decrease) Increase in temporarily restricted net assets $ (30,205) $ 133,856 Other liabilities $ 2,195,434 $ 13,046,319 $ 353,306 $ 47,195 $ (77,400) $ (663,988) $ 270,484 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 17,998,994 $ 18,928,143 Net assets, beginning of year $ 20,808,093 $ 20,537,609 Net assets, beginning of year $ 20,144,105 $ 20,808,093 $ 20,040,454 $ 20,674,237 $ 103,651 $ 133,856 TOTAL NET ASSETS $ 20,144,105 $ 20,808,093 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 38,143,099 $ 39,736,236 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued salaries and related expenses Due to Community Capital Corporation Deferred revenue Deferred rent Capital lease obligations Educational programs NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted General and administrative (Decrease) increase in unrestricted net assets CHANGES IN TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Change in net assets 31 89% Program STATEM ENTS OF A C TIV ITIES Y EA RS ENDED JUNE 30, 2016 A ND 2015 STAT E ME N T S O F F I N AN CI AL POSI T ION JU N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 AN D 2 0 1 5