Annual Report 2014 | Page 17

More than 180 participants came to our Methadone Prescribers Conference in 2014. Methadone Physicians must receive an exemption from Health Canada to prescribe methadone. Therefore, the number of assessments in any given year will vary depending on who receives an exemption. For those 462 physicians who currently hold exemptions, the Methadone Committee has established the assessment scheme as follows: physicians are assessed after their first year prescribing methadone; if successful, the next assessment occurs at year three and if that is successful, the physician is assessed every five years. In 2014, the College assessed 79 methadone prescribers. As part of the federal delegation exemption that allows the administration of methadone from community clinics, the College, in conjunction, with the Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) undertakes clinic inspections to ensure they are meeting the federal requirements for the secure transfer and administration of doses. In 2014, the College and OCP inspected 15 methadone clinics. Methadone Assessment Outcomes Satisfactory Assessment Re-Assessment or Interview 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 1st Year Assessment 63% 56% 74% 37% 44% 26% 3rd Year Assessment 91% 75% 75% 9% 25% 25% 5th Year Assessments 86% 76% 87% 14% 24% 13% Re-assessments 83% 50% 80% 17% 50% 20% Annual Report 2014 15