Annual Report 2014 | Page 13

Revisioning Assessment As the figures in the facing chart show, most physicians who are peer assessed receive a satisfactory outcome. It is undoubtedly of some relief to any practising physician to be told by the College that he or she is practising at the expected standard. A confirmation of good work is always welcome news. But over the last few years, we have been asking ourselves how we can make the assessment more useful to that vast majority of physicians who are already practising good medicine. How can the physician emerge from the process with new tools and insights to deliver even higher quality care? “There are already well-established processes in place to address the practice deficiencies of that smaller group of doctors who don’t receive satisfactory outcomes in their assessments. We wanted to do more for that large majority of doctors by providing a more educational, quality improvement-oriented experience,” said Wade Hillier, director of Quality Management at the College. So, we have been reassessing our assessments. Our Research and Evaluation department has brought its expertise in measurement science and assessment excellence to a multi-year project to create a common assessment model and continuous quality improvement strategy for all Ontario physicians. “Assessments remain the best opportunity for us to have a direct, positive impact on a physician’s daily practice. That is why we are so committed to developing and continuously improving the quality of our assessments with rigorous and valid tools and processes,” said Mr. Hillier. The re-visioning project currently focuses on improving peer assessment. We are redesigning the peer assessment program to be: Discipline-specific; Purpose-driven to promote quality improvement; Consistent i.e., ensure assessors are consistent in decision-making; Transparent i.e., any physician can readily see how the peer assessment program defines and evaluates “quality”; and Relevant i.e., linked to other quality initiatives. How will we make assessment better? • By following up with all assessed physicians to determine the peer assessment impact, i.e., quality improvement; • By making our assessors central to creating new assessment processes, tools and reporting formats. Currently, we have 350 assessors working on the redes Yێ¸