Angling Times Weekly Issue 61 Issue 70 | Page 39

WADING IN LAKES OR STREAMS Requires special care. Watch your footing. Look out for drop-offs, deep holes, slippery rocks, soft mud and quicksand. Always test the footing ahead and keep most of your weight on the foot already on safe ground. Avoid wading through bank fishermen's lines. Shoes should always be worn whether fishing on shore, in a boat, or wading in the water. Stray hooks, glass, sharp rocks, and other objects on shore and in the water could cut your bare feet. In a boat, shoes designed to keep your feet from slipping in a wet boat could help prevent you from taking an unexpected dip into the water. Watch the weather In a storm, seek shelter on shore in a building or vehicle. Angling Times Weekly SA DON'T FORGET, ELECTRICITY LIKES WATER! Anything wet can conduct electricity, even your boots! A wet fishing line wrapped around a power line can kill you....the electricity can travel down the fishing line and through you. On shore or in a boat, avoid overhead power lines. On the stream bank, don't cast near electric fences or power lines. Take a tip from the cows, stay away from electric fences! Watch sprinkling systems....those electric power users are another danger. Don't try to catch an animal in a pipe. Many people have been killed lifting the ends of pipes near power lines. If a rabbit, gopher, or snake crawls into a long aluminum irrigation pipe, leave it there. Don't try to dump it out. Never lift a metal pipe higher than your head. 39