Ang Kalatas November 2017 Issue | Page 13


Carpio on China dispute

A LEADING expert on South China Sea issues delivered a lecture at the Australian National University ( ANU ) recently .
The Philippines ’ Justice Antonio Carpio tackled the issues covering the implications of the current disputes on the region ’ s maritime security and the interest of outside powers .
The lecture , jointly hosted by the ANU Coral Bell School of Asia Pacitic Affairs , the ANU School of regulation and Global Governance , and the ANU Philippines Project .
Mr Carpio examineed the merits of various claimants in the disputed areas and present scenarios for mutually acceptable resolutions .
The South China Sea disputes have become one of the most contentious international legal disputes in the world at present .
The Philippines and China have competing claims over a large maritime area in the SCS .
China ’ s claim also clashed with those of several coastal states in Southeast Asia , but the Philippines ’ claim was the only one which had gone as far as being referred to the UN ’ s Permanent Court of Arbitration ( the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea ). In July 2016 , the Tribunal ruled in favour of the Philippines . One year on , China continues to ignore this ruling , and the Philippine Government has pursued a diplomatic détente in order to work around the seemingly intractable disagreement .
Many commentators have provided their interpretations of competing claims by various claimants , but very few have had direct experience in formulating a legal case with this kind of international significance .
Justice Carpio is one of the world ’ s foremost experts on the complex political , legal and historical dimensions of the South China Sea dispute . •

Scrapping applauded

THE Federation of Ethnic Communities ’ Councils of Australia ( FECCA ) has applauded scrapping recently of the Federal
Government ’ s proposed new citizenship legislation .
The Senate removed the proposed Bill from the Senate notice paper after the Government , which faced certain defeat of its proposed legislation , failed to bring it to a vote .
“ We congratulate every senator who stood up against this cruel , unnecessary and discriminatory proposal ,” said FECCA chairwoman Mary Patetsos .
“ The plan to extend the waiting period and demand university-standard English language skills from migrants in order for them to become Australian citizens was unjust and unfair ,” she said .
“ The fact is that generations of migrants , despite having limited command of English when they became citizens , have made huge contributions to Australian society .”
Patetsos said the Government should now put such harsh legislative proposals to rest .
" For decades , Australian citizenship had fostered inclusivity , allowing migrants to feel Australian , regardless of their country of origin ,” she said .
“ This legislation would have damaged Australia ’ s cohesive multicultural society by creating an underclass of Australian residents denied citizenship .
“ We now have a great opportunity for FECCA to work with the Government to find positive ways rather than punitive ways to make migrants feel welcomed and part of Australian society .” •

One mighty ‘ Survivor ’

QANTAS flight attendant Jericho Malabonga took home $ 500,000 prizemoney after taking out the title of 2017 Australian Survivor , a television reality series on Channel 10 .
Malabonga , 25 , a Filipino-Australian from Victoria who arrived in Australia only three years ago , beat Sunshine Coast barrel racer Tara Pitt by outwitting , outplaying and outlasting Pitt at the final hurdle after 55 gruelling days in the Samoan jungle .
It was a closely fought battle , starting with an immunity endurance challenge between Pitt , Malabonga , and Peter Conte of NSW .
The young PinOz outlasted 23 other contestants .
“ I ’ m proud of my experience and I am proud of my game ,” he was quoted as saying to the jury . “ I hope I have made Australia proud , my family proud , fans proud , and Survivor .”
In a press interview , Jericho said was staying in his job at Qantas .
“ I don ' t think I would let this prizemoney change something I worked really hard for ,' he said . •
@ ANGKALATAS www . kalatas . com . au AK NewsMagazine , Vol 8 No 2 | NOVEMBER 2017 13