Anderson Ranch Arts Center Workshop Catalogs 2010-2014 | Page 42

PAINTING & DRAWING The Painting & Drawing program offers the opportunity to work with an exciting range of highly accomplished artists and extensive media. We maintain a wide diversity of subject matter and approach, while tailoring each class to a particular level of experience. Our classes combine an intense, hands-on art making experience with critical feedback that will propel your studio practice throughout the year. The Ranch’s spacious and bright painting facilities are housed in the Wyly Painting Building. Each painting student has access to studio and travel easels, palettes, work tables, odorless solvents, rags and an extensive collection of hand and power tools. Classrooms are further equipped with a computer, Wi-Fi access, printing, scanning and projection capabilities. Katherine Alexander, Sunset PAINTING & DRAWING SKILL LEVELS: Painting Light & Space:  Open to all – Students of any skill and knowledge level. June 3 - 7 between representation and abstraction Level I – Students have very limited experience or none at all. Classes usually start with a full day of basic instruction. Katherine Alexander Level II – Students have basic knowledge of 2-D art making including form, shading, negative space, value, line and contrast. SKILL LEVEL: I Level III – Students have formal training in critical issues of 2-D art making, experience with public critiques and a solid portfolio of their artwork. Level IV – Students have advanced skill and knowledge of painting and drawing. Students are highly motivated and self-directed, have a minimum of five years experience in their field and have multiple portfolios of their artwork. Portfolio review is required for admittance to some Level IV classes. Contact Artistic Director Jenene Nagy with questions at 970/923-3181 x236 or Studio Coordinator Johanna Mueller at 970/923-3181 x241. CONCEPT:  Variable light and weather patterns in the Colorado Rockies create a perfect setting for exploring the expressive qualities of light, space and atmospheric effects. This studio workshop surveys the lines between representing and abstracting elements of the natural world. Employing color, composition and symbolic context, we create images with pictorial depth, texture and evocative moods for use in finished paintings. MEDIA & TECHNIQUES:  Using the translucent medium of Golden Heavy Body acrylic paints, we experiment with color mixing and building up color on paper or canvas to create forms, atmospheric qualities, volume and depth. ACTIVITIES:  Demonstrations, slides, lectures, music and readings are followed by hands-on experimentation. Each day includes group discussions, exercises, one-on-one help and critiques. The class works on studies from direct observation, images, or photographs to source and develop our personal projects. FACULTY: Katherine Alexander is a painter who lives in New York City and West Texas. She has had solo exhibitions in Los Angeles, Houston, El Paso, Texas, and New York, with group exhibitions throughout the U.S., Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Her work is represented in numerous collections. Tuition: $920 OR Tuition + Studio Support Donation: $1120 Studio Fee: $75 Code: D0102 Enrollment Limit 10 40  an de rsonra nch.o rg   970/923-3181  inf o@ande r s o n r a n c h . o r g